Disabled and Retired  


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Executive Board

Here to help keep retired Fire Fighters involved in their retirement and the fire service.


IARF stays involved by attending events such as parades, ceremonies, and more.

Political Action

Stay politically active and keep an interest in your retirement, pension, and benefits.


From golf outings to fishing tournaments, we stay involved with active and retired members helping raise funds for good causes.

AFFI Events

We stay involved in current AFFI events and attend Conventions and meetings as well to keep you informed of what is happening.

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  • Primary November 5, 2024: General election Election, get out and VOTE!
  • Annual Meeting/Picnic July  27, 2024 Peoria Fire Fighter Club 203 S. 4th Street Dunlap Illinois
  • Fall meeting Oct. 26, 2024 Aurora Amvets Post 103 1194 Jericho Road Aurora
get in touch

Welcome to the Illinois Association of Retired Firefighters


In 1982, The Illinois Association of Retired Firefighters was formed to assist retired and/or disabled firefighters to continue being an integral part of their community. The IARF allows the retiree to maintain contact with friends and co-workers, continue to be informed about problems of retirees, and keeping up to date with solutions to financial problems faced by Firefighters. IARF currently has 26 local Clubs chartered throughout Illinois, in cities like Rockford, Joliet, Peoria, Bloomington, Decatur, Quad Cities, Springfield, and Belleville. Each local club continues to work with and support area AFFI Locals, and we continue to be members of the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois.

The local clubs plan activities such as visiting elderly members, and staying engaged in the community. They encourage the disabled and/or retired firefighters to visit any brother or sister who is hospitalized or is home bound, and to participate in Silent Watch duties for any members who pass.

The Illinois Association of Retired Firefighters began publishing a bi-annual magazine, Disabled and Retired Firefighters, as a way of informing retirees about other clubs activities in their communities including charity work, public education, visiting the sick and infirmed, and political activities.

Local Clubs have engaged in such activities as; working with the AFFI Local to build a home ramp for disabled MDA spokesperson. IARF have donated to a retiree whose wife had a stroke, and donating to Operation Santa, an organization that sends Christmas stockings to deployed heroes. Our current focus is to encourage our retiree clubs to join with the active fire fighters in their community service activities, such as their “Fill the Boot” Drive for MDA, “Shop with a Fireman” for underprivileged children during the Christmas season, visiting hospital bound children at Christmas, placing flags on graves of brothers who have passed and many other charitable activities. This alliance between the active Fire Fighters and the retirees will be our focus moving forward. Our members have served their communities during their entire careers. They are continuing this effort into retirement. We need your help to continue these efforts, to help IARF protect our retired heroes and support our charities. Any sponsorships and/or donations will be greatly appreciated.

Follow us on Facebook. Thank you in advance for your generous support of our retired firefighters.


Friends of IARF Winners January 2023

$25 winners:

Bill Fey Belleville
Steve Wiltz Peoria
Brant Maine Belleville
Normal Local 2442
Robert Parks Belleville
Bob Nelson Evanston

$100 Winner
Al Rollins Normal

$250 Winner
Dale Fochs Evanston

$500 Winner
Larry Mores Joliet


Chaplain's Corner

This is the blog address to our Chaplain Brother Ed: https://brotheredministries.blogspot.com/

The JFPSG proudly serves the active members, retirees, and families if the City of Joliet Fire Department in Joliet, Illinois. Thank you JFD for your support and good work. https://jfdpeersupport.com


What IARF Does For You

The IARF was formed in 1982 by retirees with a mission - "Our Mission" is to help and seek ways for the betterment and well-being of Illinois Retired Firefighters and widows/widowers.

  1. IARF Magazine: This is our communication link to you twice a year. We are very proud of our magazine.
  2. Dues are only $25.00 per year, per member. Your dues allow us to keep you informed and work with Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois to protect your pensions.
  3. We are registered in Illinois as a "Non-Profit Organization" with an elected Executive Board and ruled by our Members through a Constitution and By-Laws.
  4. We are proud Members of the AFFI. We send delegates to the AFFI Legislative Conference and Bi-Annual AFFI State Conventions. We pay per capita dues to the AFFI. We have a voice and a very good relationship.
  5. IARF Quarterly Meetings are conducted around the State of Illinois for the convenience of our Members.
  6. The July Quarterly Meeting is always held in Peoria along with the Annual Picnic. It is free for you and your spouse or guest. A meal, drinks, and door prizes after the Quarterly Meetings.
  7. Quarterly Minutes are sent out to each Retiree Club Secretary, along with any other information after each Quarterly Meeting is held.
  8. We lobby in Springfield legislatively right along with the AFFI.


Firefighters Pension Investment Fund

Firefighters Pension Investment Fund (“FPIF”) Click HERE for the website for more information.
FPIF will now publish recorded investment updates on its website following the end of each quarter. Marquette Associates, who serves as FPIF's general investment consultant, has recorded an investment update for the 4th quarter of 2023. The update and the December Investment Performance Report can be found under the Investments heading on the FPIF website (link).

For the quarter ending December 31, 2023, the FPIF investment portfolio returned 9.7%, net of fees, outperforming the policy benchmark of 9.4%. For calendar year 2023 the FPIF investment portfolio returned 15.5%, net of fees, outperforming the policy benchmark of 15.3%. Highlighting the quarter was the significant rally out of traditional equity and fixed income markets. For the quarter, the U.S. equity market returned 12.1%, non-U.S. equity market returned 9.8%, and U.S. fixed income market retuned 6.8%.

Positive economic data including the release of 3Q GDP (+4.9%) as well as continued labor market strength, robust jobs numbers, and resilient consumer spending reaffirmed the markets expectation that a soft landing, successfully bringing down inflation without tipping the economy into a recession, continues to be a possibility. While both headline inflation (3.4%) and core inflation (3.9%) remain above the Federal Reserve long-term target of 2%, continued moderation on inflation readings supported market optimism and the prospects of the Fed cutting short term interest rates in 2024. Within the quarter the Fed held short-term interest rates steady, within the range of 5.25%-5.5%, at both of their meetings. Going forward a focus on economic, inflation, and consumer data will play an important role in determining future Fed action and capital market performance.



Message From AFFI President

Good morning, everyone! We hope you all had a great summer. Now that there has been final
action on some of our initiatives, we wanted to give you a legislative update on the first year of
the 103rd General Assembly. Here are the bills that the AFFI was able to pass in both chambers
and the Governor signed:
SB 214 – This comes from convention resolution 22-­‐13. The bill adds “illness” from a declared
disaster/emergency to the Public Employee Disability Act (PEDA), essentially helping our
members who have found great resistance with their employer during the various COVID
issues, for any future, similar scenarios. (PA 103-­‐063, takes effect 1/1/24)
HB 3769 – This comes from convention resolution 22-­‐19. The bill allows a public employee
paramedic to remain on their employer’s health insurance plan after retirement (at 100% cost
to the retiree) which is what all publicly employed firefighters in Illinois are already entitled to
do at retirement. (PA 103-­‐052, takes effect 1/1/24)
SJR 7 – This legislation creates a recruitment and retention task force, including the AFFI,
members of the General Assembly, and other stakeholders to identify solutions for the various
problems the Illinois fire service and our AFFI affiliates are experiencing. (This bill passed both
chambers). This task force is waiting on final appointments from some of the other
organizations and we look forward to working on this very soon.
HB 1595 – This comes from convention resolution 22-­‐11. The bill adds a representative from
labor to the EMS advisory committee. The bill allows for union representation and legal counsel
for any interview/potential discipline with the regional medical director and IDPH. The bill
allows any discipline given by the medical director to count towards any additional discipline
from IDPH. Finally, this bill allows a person to work at a silver spanner department for 2 weeks
as they test into the system. If the system takes longer to provide the test, then you can
continue to work in that system until the test is available. (PA 103-­‐521, takes effect 1/1/24)
HB 3249 – This comes from convention resolution 20-­‐26. The bill further strengthens PSEBA
recipients’ ability to keep their current and adequate insurance. Last GA we had a similar bill
but have found that many locals do not have their specific health insurance plans in there CBA.
(PA 103-­‐340, takes effect 1/1/24)
Here are some of the bills the AFFI continues to work on:
HB 1052 – This bill would improve Tier 2 by removing the “1/2 CPI” for COLA’s and make it 3%.
This bill would also remove the 6% per year penalty for Tier 2 members who retire before age
55. There has been a lot of discussion with this and we have testified in subject matter only
hearings to explain the need for Tier 2 improvements. We continue with this important topic
and will let you know of additional updates. There has also been additional bills recently
introduced that could later include this bill.HB 3718 – Adds Article 4 to the reciprocity act. There has been a lot of discussion with this bill
and we are trying to get it included in a larger bill that would include this and other pension
plans. There have been a couple other bills introduced that would also include Article 4 into the
larger reciprocity act.
HB 1065 – This bill would clarify that the burden of proof is the responsibility of the employer
when challenging if an injury occurred in the line of duty. (There has been a lot of opposition to
this bill and we are continuing to discuss and hopeful we can find middle ground.)
Bills we previously discussed and were opposed to.
SB 1306 – this bill would require body cameras to be worn by paramedics. Again, we are
opposed to this legislation and are working to defeat it. (This bill has not moved out of
committee, and the committee deadline has passed.)
SB 1251 – as originally introduced, this bill would have reduced the speed an emergency vehicle
could travel to 20 mph and other changes regarding the usage of sirens. The speed and other
concerning language was removed with an amendment after heavy negotiations. (PA 103-­‐
484, effective 1/1/24). The new language is:
-­‐ The operator of the ambulance or rescue vehicle shall have documented training in the
operation of an ambulance or rescue vehicle prior to operating that vehicle. This
training shall include the proper use of warning lights and sirens, situations where
warning lights and sirens are warranted, and the provisions of this Section.
-­‐ (a-­‐5) The driver of an ambulance or rescue vehicle may proceed past a red traffic control
signal or stop sign if the ambulance or rescue vehicle is making use of both the audible
and visual signals meeting the requirement of this Section, but only after slowing down
as necessary for safe operation. (due regard)
These are the major take aways from the first year of the 103rd General Assembly. We will
continue to work through Veto Session and the second year of the 103rd to ensure our
members have the rights, benefits, and retirement securities they deserve. As always, please
don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
In Solidarity,
Chuck Sullivan, President
Steve Shetsky, Northern District Legislative Rep
Jeff Maher, Central District Legislative Rep
Brant Maine, Southern District Legislative Rep

Pension Reform Summary

Click HERE to read the summary of the task force analysis and recommendations.


Members of the IARF attend the 2019 AFFI Legislative Conference

Mike Levine, Dan Oaks, Jay Smith, Rep. Mike Unes and Roger Fardel.



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